February 23, 2025

“BLAST OFF” by Shana Siegel Eve Biddle and Joshua Frankel

Completed April 2011 at MS 131 Dr Sun Yat Sen School located at 100 Hester Street, Manhattan New York.  The mural wall is in the school yard, and faces Eldridge between Canal and Hester.  The image was designed collaboratively by Josh Frankel, Eve Biddle and Shana Siegel.  The artists were responsible for all logistical planning regarding time frame, materials, and labor.  New York Cares funded the project and provided volunteer labor. Production schedule was as follows : Day 1 scrape and prime the wall with the help of 25 volunteers.  Day 2, spray gradient with airless sprayers.  Ten volunteers and four professional scenic artists completed the gradient.  Days 3-7, grid the wall and sketch out the drawing.  This was done by the artists with the help of two or three friends.  Day 8-9, block in color using a paint by number system and thirty volunteers.   Day 10-14 artists finish up detail work and make any corrections.  

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